Low-code is becoming a key factor for data-driven companies and seamlessly connects technical experts and software developers. Today, low-code and professional development interlock seamlessly and are natural building blocks of modern enterprise architectures.
Professional software development focuses on enterprise integration and the creation of technical foundations or specialized user interfaces. Low-code applications are increasingly taking over the support of business processes and user interfaces.
Generative AI models turn previously complex use cases into everyday tools, even for low-code developers (citizen developers).
To further facilitate access to data for low-code developers, many companies are focusing on setting up data factories with technology manufacturers such as Microsoft or Apache. Data factories are also the basis for better quality of Generative AI on enterprise data.
Artificial intelligence, machine learning and governance technologies such as Microsoft PurView help on the path to the data-driven enterprise.
Low-code developers and solutions benefit from easy access and automated governance. Previous technical barriers to accessing data or integrating technologies and applications are increasingly disappearing.
For the first time in digital history, a point has been reached where organizational and cultural constraints and a lack of professional creativity in identifying useful scenarios are more complex than technical challenges.
We support top companies in the development of their organizational blueprints, the creation of governance and compliance guidelines as well as the identification and implementation management of the most worthwhile scenarios for the use of available digital tools.