CO2 savings in the industrial sector

How a digital approach has led to massive CO2 savings in the industrial sector. And how we were nominated for an award.

It is well known that manufacturing companies contribute to the CO2 burden. However, when an automotive OEM is concerned about reducing CO2 emissions, this has a double impact, because it is not only production that is affected, but also the use of the products.

It wasn't us, but the well-known management consultancy McKinsey that started this topic. From there came massive Excel sheets with comprehensive formulas for calculating energy requirements, energy transformation options (electricity, gas, pressure, heat, etc.) and the associated pollutant calculation algorithms.

As the complex Excel sheets had reached their limits, we were initially asked to carry out a technical transformation and error correction. This success story explains how this became our CO2 saver platform.

A purely technical transformation is never our focus. More beautiful, easier to use and better to operate can also be useful and part of a task. However, we are always interested in achieving a sustainable and desired effect in business.

After the algorithms had already clarified how sustainable CO2 savings could be calculated and achieved by optimizing the energy mix, we asked the question of how best to find out where untapped savings potential could be found and what effect could be calculated for specific ideas.

As a result, we designed a hybrid portal that allows employees to use a collaborative ideas process to identify potential savings that can be ranked using algorithms and digitally supported rating processes. High-potential ideas were then transferred to projects on the platform, in which the idea providers were able to influence funding and staffing.

The effect of this approach was astounding and dramatically effective, far exceeding any expectations.

If you have any questions about CO2 savings or details of our CO2 saver platform, please contact us directly and we will be happy to answer them.
